Introduction to Intermediate Accounting and Crystal Report


Since we have opened the training sessions of junior accounting position for over 5 years, it is the time to offer you in intermediate accounting skills as your skills needed in growing of your career. The course will give you’re the hands on experience to deal with GL analysis for positions such as Financial Accountant, Financial Analyst, or Management Accountant. We will use a sample case to demonstrate all skills requested by these types of positions.
Course Outline
Session 1: Introduction
·         Introduction
·         Professional orientation – your future as an accountant
·         Chart of functional organization and in accounting system
·         Accounting in business: GL vs SL, Manual vs Systematically
Session 2: Highlighting Junior Job Tasks
·         AP tasks
·         AR tasks
·         Others tasks
Session 3: Periodic Closing
·         Final products of Accounting – F/S or Report.
·         Periodic closing – procedures or cutoff
·         Common entries
        Accounting policies: and payroll, prepaid, depreciation, reallocation, accrual expenses, reserves adjustment, and etc.
        Operation policies: commission, royalty, discount, rebate, mortgage, lease payment, and etc.
Session 4/5: GL Analysis
·         Accounting policies and common entries – payroll, prepaid, depreciation, reallocation, accrual expenses, reserves adjustment, and etc.
·         The approach of GL analysis
·         Accounts reconciliation – the relationship between working papers, source documents, and back up information
Session 6: Accounts Reconciliation
·         Assets accounts – Bank, AR, Fixed, Prepaid, Rents, Inventory…
·         Liabilities accounts – AP, Credit Card, Advance, Accrual, Tax…
·         Equity accounts – Initial, changes, dividends, RE…
·         IS accounts – major sections analysis
Session 7: Draft – FS
·         Examine the draft FS and TB
·         Analysis – comparison vs budget, prior year, last period
·         Accrual expenses justification
·         Finalize application FS and TB
Session 8: Basic Cost Accounting
·         Backbone accounting flow in the business
·         Inventory vs COGS
·         Variances Analysis
Session 9: Budgeting Process
·         Sales forecast
·         Department budgeting
·         Adjusted and discussion
·         Final approval
·         Breakdown and enter into system
·         Maintenance – rolling / comparison
Session 10: FS presentation
·         Excel format
·         FS analysis notes for internal purposes
·         Other report – aging, COGS, Margin, backlog, and etc
Session 11: Interesting Objectives as per Your Selection
·         Continue above sessions
·         Review interesting objectives as per your selections
·         Job search skills
·         Resume editing
Session 12: Connection to Senior Accountant
·         Skills requirement
·         Expectations from employer
·         Changing your mind set
Session 13: Closing Session
·         Q&A
·         Other related objectives as your request
·         Summarize the course
·         Comments and suggestions
A.    Each session will be 3 hours and use two ways discussion approach.
B.     Attendees should have junior position experiences and be willing to take advantages and challenges of intermediate position. 
C.     Attendees should have experiences in Excel and computerized accounting.
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