Power Excel



Power Excel

Release the power of Excel and enhance your work day-to-day

Course Overview

This 20-hour hands-on based course is designed to help people to learn and use the most commonly used Excel features, functions and scripts, to improve their day-to-day work in more effective, efficient, accurate and reliable way.

In totally five classes, handy works and tasks are provided so that people can get chances to practice the most generally utilized Excel functionalities like they do in a real business environment, with a step-by-step guidance, starting from using basic functions to complicated embedded formulas.

At the end, the participants may learn some advanced features and functions to achieve their daily business activity goals, by capably resolving complex data calculations, statistics, and processions.

This training course is based on Microsoft Office 2007, and shipped with class slides and practical exercises. Some basic understanding of Excel is nice-to-have, but not strictly required as must.


Course Outline


Part I. Basic Excel – Calculating data in Excel


1.1. Excel basics

- Excel overview

- Basic operations

- Keyboard shortcuts

- References (relative, absolute, mixed, cross-sheet)

- Using Excel functions

- Excel data types and conversions

- Handling different data types


1.2. Excel functions and formulas

- Creating formulas with Excel functions

- Conditional formulas

- Nesting functions

- Aggregation functions

- Using lookup to cross-reference data

- Dealing with unique and duplicate data


Part II. Advanced Excel – Processing data in Excel


2.1. Statistics

- Data type and functions

- Managing text with functions

- Sorting and formatting

- Index, search and match

- Aggregating and pivoting data

- Presenting graphical data (pie, line and bar)


2.2. Processing data

- Enhancing the work

- Invoking Macros

- Adding controls in Excel

- Processing large amount of data with million rows

- Dealing multiple Excel and other data sources

- Thinking of enhancement


Part III. Power Excel – Making magic in Excel


3.1. Introduction of VBA

- Handling dynamic and various scenarios

- Managing external data


3.2. The magic of VBA

- Using Access database

- Invoking queries

- Excel in and out

- Finalization


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